Discover the Funny How Marriage Works Cruise

21-25, 2024

Upcoming Live Events

Funny how marriage works
michael jr and ebony2

Funny How Marriage Works Tour

FHMW talk

Funny How Marriage Works Tour

michael jr and wife

Funny How Marriage Works Tour

What's Your
Marriage Conflict
Resolution Style?

Everyone has a conflict resolution style — the way you usually attempt to resolve disputes or discord in your marriage. Take this free quiz to find out in 5 minutes or less what your style is to discover a healthier, more productive way of handling conflict.

Upcoming Live Events

Become a Host Church

Looking for a unique, transformative event that will engage your community and strengthen the marriages within your congregation? At little-to-no cost to your church, host a Funny How Marriage Works event. Experience a distinctive blend of comedy and marriage insights that promises lasting impact.

Get 4 Things to Improve Your Marriage RIGHT NOW

In these four short-but-packed videos, Michael Jr. and Ebony share their top four tips to improve a marriage. 

It might not be what you expect, but these four tips are sure to make a change.

Press In Request

Marriage Works Workshop

Join Michael Jr. and Ebony in the Marriage Works Workshop to help you and your spouse get closer and build a better future together even when times get tough.
The Benefits of Conflict
Joining Marriage Community Doodle A
Joining Marriage Community Doodle B

Apply to join the
Marriage Works Community

We are launching this community because we believe that Marriage Works. Marriage takes work, but marriage works. Your marriage was designed and intended to help you become exactly who you are supposed to be.

We bring together married Christian couples to share practical, applicable, and often hysterical ways, to deepen their connection so that marriages can be exceedingly and abundantly greater.

Marriage Community Form

Marriage Resources

Scroll down to learn more about available resources.

Marriage Resources

Scroll down to learn more about available resources.


Date Night Experience

Request a city here

Interested in a ‘Funny How Marriage Works: A Date Night Experience’ coming to a city near you? Let us know! We would love to see you in-person.

City Request Form